At AvenueDogs.com we work tirelessly to provide beneficial information to pet parents across the globe. In this series we’re featuring a number of dog rescues and organizations in Mexico that are doing some pretty amazing things. Our goal is to highlight the best-of-the-best nonprofits that are doing as much as they can with minimal outside funding and support.
Today we’re going to feature a rescue that truly goes above and beyond – Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre in Campeche, Mexico:
When you donate to a foster or rescue in Mexico, your dollar goes further. If you’d like to volunteer or donate to Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre, you can contact Yvette directly via Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp. We’ll leave that information below;
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YumKaaxAnimalRescueCentre/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yumkaaxrescuecentre/
Contact Info: yvette@ninthwaveglobal.com
WhatsApp: (Yvette) +52 981 158 5814
The Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre rescues and rehabilitates animals (of all types) in need. They keep both resident animals as well as foster animals until they’re ready to be adopted by their forever homes. Yum Kaax ships pups anywhere there is a loving and suitable home waiting for them!

Today, we had the pleasure of speaking with Yvette about Yum Kaax. Between being the director of Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre and maintaining other socio-environmental projects in Campeche, Mexico, Yvette is a very busy lady! We’re glad she took the time out of her schedule to tell us a little more about Yum Kaax. Let’s take a look.
Avenue Dogs (AD): Hi Yvette! Can You Give Us A Quick Rundown of What Your Organization Does?
Yvette: We are a multi-species rescue centre, rescuing and rehabilitating animals from cats & dogs to horses and goats!
We have over 60 animals on site at the moment, all with incredible personalities. Some of our rescues remain with us as residents, and some we work to get adopted both locally and internationally.
We don’t have any animals in cages, we are more like one big foster family! We have no external funding and rely fully on donations from sponsors.

AD: How Can People Help/Donate to Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre?
Yvette: Everything from sharing the word, volunteering with us, sponsoring an animal or adopting an animal helps us!
We are always looking for good people to get involved. We have short and long term volunteer opportunities available, as well as many animals in need of sponsorship support.
Send us a message and let’s have a chat about how we can best support each other!

AD: Do You Have Any Advice for People Wanting to Adopt Dogs in Mexico?
Yvette: The 3-3-3 rescue rule! It will take 3-days for your dog to decompress from the trip, 3-weeks to learn the new routine and 3-months to build a relationship of trust. But it is 100% worth it!
Remember, you don’t just rescue a dog, you rescue its past and future, and you will change the course of their life forever.

AD: Great! Do You Have Any Other Dog Rescues You Work with/Recommend?
Yvette: We work closely with Granos De Arena here in Campeche, our community rescue family is incredible here!
Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre – An Avenue Dogs Featured Rescue

Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre doesn’t just help dogs in Mexico either. They’re a multi-species animal rescue, rehabilitation, residential and foster home that’s doing great things in their community of Campeche, Mexico. We’re proud to have them as an AvenueDogs.com Featured Rescue and we hope you check them out for yourselves!
Know of an organization that should be featured next? Drop a comment below and let us know too!
Have a dog foster or rescue success story? We’d love to hear that too! Tell us your pup’s heartwarming tale of how you met, the challenges you faced, and of course what your furry friend is up to now! Success stories are a great way to encourage others to choose to rescue!

Natasha Moore is a professional SEO content writer and owner of Word Brokers, LLC. She enjoys traveling, hanging out with pups of all sorts, and reading the biggest books she can find. She’s also a full-time digital nomad, and you can find her writing content from the beach in Mexico, a corner coffee shop in Colombia, or lounging by the lake in Guatemala.