It’s no secret that Mexican pups are some of the sweetest in the world. Whether you’re planning a short trip to Mexico or live in the country full-time, there are plenty of ways you can help give these doggies a new lease on life. We’ve compiled a list of 100+ Mexico dog rescues that you can feel good about donating your time or money to.
For our list we’ve only featured local dog rescues in Mexico that are in need of;
- Volunteers
- Donations
- Foster Parents
- Flight Angels
- & Adoption Services
For your convenience, we’ve organized our list by state in alphabetical order. You can find more in-depth information about each Mexican dog rescue below.
Have a dog foster or rescue success story? We’d love to hear that too! Tell us your pup’s heartwarming tale of how you met, the challenges you faced, and of course what your furry friend is up to now! Success stories are a great way to encourage others to choose to rescue!
120+ Mexico Dog Rescues in 32 States: Adopt, Foster, Donate, Volunteer
We’ve spent countless hours searching for the best dog rescues and shelters in all of Mexico. While it’s not an exhaustive list, we’ll continue to update it as new rescues come to light. We’ve compiled over 120+ options for you to choose from if you’re looking to volunteer, adopt or donate to a local rescue in need.
Last updated: September 2, 2023

Fostering or adopting a dog can be good for your mental and physical health too! Check out our recent blog on 10 Surprising Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Owning a Dog to find out more.
Have a shelter you’d like to feature? Comment below and we’ll add it to our ever-growing list.
Aguascalientes – Mexico Dog Rescues
While there aren’t a ton of touristic reasons you might visit this small state in Mexico, there are plenty of Mexican dogs in need of rescue. Check out our Mexico dog rescue list to find out how you can volunteer, donate, or rescue a pup for yourself in the state of Aguascalientes.
AC Pro Animal Friends

Where Located: Centro, Aguascalientes
Website: https://amigosproanimal.org.mx/inicio/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/AmigosProAnimal/
Contact Info: amigosproanimalac@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This is an animal protection agency that helps the community find low-cost, affordable pet care. They also promote responsible adoption of the animals that need the most help and love in the community.

Adopción Perros Aguascalientes

Where Located: Centro, Aguascalientes
Website: N/A
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057580413808
Contact Info: Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups: N/A
What They Do: The primary goal of Adopción Perros Aguascalientes is to find loving homes for dogs that have been in difficult situations.
Adopción de Perros y Gatos Aguascalientes

Where Located: Centro, Aguascalientes
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083826214561
Contact Info: Facebook
Where do they ship pups? N/A
What They Do: This is a small animal rescue in Aguascalientes that provides general information to the community and support for the animals in need. They treat both cats and dogs.
Canis Pugnaces Aguascalientes

Where Located: Centro, Aguascalientes
Website: canispugnaces.com
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/CanisPugnacesAGS
Contact Info: maldona_f@hotmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This is a dog training school that focuses on community outreach to better educate the community on proper pet care and techniques. They promote a safe, happy, and healthy environment for all pets.
Rescate Animal Aguascalientes

Where Located: Centro, Aguascalientes
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Rescate-Animal-Aguascalientes-246672468794206/
Contact Info: Message through Facebook Page
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Rescate Animal Aguascalientes does not function with their own rescue team. Instead, they assist local adoption centers and abandoned dogs with finding refugee and the help that they need.
Did we miss any great rescues in Aguascalientes, Mexico? Let us know!
Baja California – Mexico Dog Rescues
On the upper portion of the Baja California Peninsula, this state has a lot to offer. From mountains to beaches, there’s something for everyone. If you’re in the area and would like to adopt a pet, it’s easier in Baja California than you might think!
The Animal Pad

Where Located: Baja, Baja California / San Diego, California
Website: https://theanimalpad.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/theanimalpad/
Contact Info: contact@theanimalpad.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: This nonprofit organization is based in San Diego, California. They rescue sick, injured, and malnourished all breed dogs from the street in Baja, Mexico and find them safe and happy homes.
The Cantu Foundation

Where Located: Tijuana/Rosarito, Baja CA
Website: thecantufoundation.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/TheCantuFoundation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecantufoundation/
Contact Info: https://www.thecantufoundation.org/contact.html
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: The Cantu Foundation is a volunteer and donation-based, non-profit whose focus is to rescue and rehabilitate dogs in need from the poorest areas of Tijuana, Mexico and Southern California.
Dog Rescue Without Borders

Where Located: San Diego, California/ Tijuana, Baja California
Website: http://www.drwb.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/drwb.org/
Contact Info: info@drwb.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: Dog Rescue Without Borders is based in San Diego, California. They rescue abandoned and unwanted dogs in Tijuana and bring them into the U.S. for hopes of a happy adoption and permanent family. This is not a shelter, rather a means to provide homes to Mexican dogs in the United States and/or Canada.
Dogs Rescue Without Borders is one of our featured organizations. They’re often in need of donations, flight angles, foster parents, and of course adoptions. If you’re in the area, we highly recommend checking out some of the awesome things they’re doing for the local community.
San Felipe Dog Rescue

Where Located: San Felipe, Baja California
Website: https://sanfelipedogrescue.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/sanfelipedogrescue
Contact Info: info@sanfelipedogrescue.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: San Felipe Dog Rescue provides rehabilitation, medical needs, and shelter to dogs in the San Felipe area. They also organize transportation for these dogs to the United States, for a better chance to find their forever home.
Woofs and Wags Dog Rescue

Where Located: Ensenada, Baja California / San Diego, California
Website: https://woofsandwagsdogrescue.rescuegroups.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/woofsandwagsdogrescue/
Contact Info: woofsandwagsdogrescue@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: Woofs and Wags Dog Rescue aims to rescue street dogs on the streets of San Diego, California and Baja California, Mexico. They provide rehabilitation and hunt for their new forever home.
Did we miss any Mexican dog rescues in the state of Baja California? Tell us in the comments section at the bottom of this page!
Baja California Sur – Mexico Dog Rescues
Baja California Sur is a wonderful place for anyone with an active lifestyle. From surfing the Pacific waves to snorkeling in the Sea of Cortez, Baja California Sur really has it all. Because it’s such a tourist hub, there are loads of shelters that can be found in the area. Opt to volunteer, donate, or foster with one of the below rescues!
Acre Dogs

Where Located: San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur
Website: https://acredogs.squarespace.com/
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/acredogs/
Contact Info: Rachel via Instagram
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., and Canada
What They Do: Since 2017, Rachel and her crew have rescued street dogs in need, giving them a safe place to grow strong on over 25-acres of farmland. Once healthy, dogs are adopted out. All donations go towards food, vaccines, emergency medical care, bedding, blankets, and more.
Animalandia Loreto

Where Located: Loreto, Baja California Sur
Website: https://www.animalandialoreto.org/
Contact Info: info@animalandialoreto.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada and U.S.
What They Do: Animalandia Loreto is a nonprofit organization that provides rehabilitation, safe space, and adoptive needs for animals in the region.
Cortez Rescue & Outreach

Where Located: Las Cuevas, Baja California Sur
Website: https://cortezrescue.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cortezrescue/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cortez_rescue/
Contact Info: info@CortezRescue.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., and Canada
What They Do: Cortez Rescue is a well-known shelter that offers exceptional care to animals in the area. Over the years, the rescue has grown tremendously and can always use help with foster parents, adoptions, flight angels, donations, and volunteers.
Cortez Rescue & Outreach is an AvenueDogs.com Featured Rescue. Cortez Rescue is a very special group that runs on few volunteers and fosters. What the group has accomplished since conception in 2018 is amazing. They do what they do for the love of the dogs and it truly shows.

Where Located: La Paz, Baja California Sur
Website: hope4lapawz.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/Hope4LaPawz.North
Contact Info: admin@hope4lapawz.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada and U.S.
What They Do: This is a foster-based organization that provides loving homes for up to 40-60 dogs at a time. Licensed out of Washington State, they work with dogs in La Paz, Mexico. The goal is to find loving homes for abandoned Mexican street dogs.
PET Los Cabos

Where Located: Los Cabos, Baja California Sur
Website: https://www.facebook.com/PETLosCabos/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petloscabos/
Contact Info: aida@petloscabos.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S, & Canada
What They Do: They provide responsible pet ownership education programs, adoption, and spay and neuter clinics to the community. The Second Chance Ranch by PET is open to the public via appointment.
PET Los Cabos is an Avenue Dogs Featured Rescue. PET Los Cabos helps prevent the needless suffering of dogs and cats that will otherwise end up on our streets spreading disease through no fault of their own. That’s an impressive feat for any organization but they need your help! We encourage you to donate your time, money, or supplies if you’re in a position to do so.
Saving Baja Paws

Where Located: San Lucas, Baja California Sur
Website: https://www.savingbajapaws.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/savingbajapaws
Contact Info: tori@bajapaws.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: Rescue, rehabilitate, and organize the transportation of dogs in need of homes to Canada.
Sociedad Humanitaria de La Paz

Where Located: La Paz, Baja California Sur
Website: http://www.shlp.org.mx
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/shlp.ac/
Contact Info: hola@shlp.org.mx
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Sociedad Humanitaria de La Paz provides educational resources to communities and medical needs for dogs in the area.. They host sterilization clinics while helping the stray dogs in the cThey host sterilization clinics and help stray dogs in the community find permanent homes.
Have a dog rescue in Baja California Sur, Mexico? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll add your non-profit right away!
Campeche – Mexico Dog Rescues
On the Yucatan Peninsula, Campeche has everything from vast jungles to Gulf coast beaches. It’s an easy starting point for vacations with many tourists and is home to a large group of expats. If you’re near Campeche and would like to help out the local community, you can do so with one of the rescues on our list.
Granos de Arena

Where Located: Campeche, Campeche
Website: https://www.facebook.com/GranosdeArenaCampeche
Contact Info: granosdearenacampeche@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: Provide affordable, or free, medical provisions to animals in need around Campeche. This includes spay and neuter programmes available to everyone in the community.
Huellitas Calakmul-Rescate Animal

Where Located: Xpujil, Campeche
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067170277367&sk=about_details
Contact Info: Mvorreuter@gmail.com
+52 983 753 3857 (Whatsapp)
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Huellitas Calakmul-Rescate Animal is a small volunteer/rescue in the rural town of Xpujil, Campeche. Their mission is to prevent the suffering of animals by reducing unwanted litters. This rescue organizes 3-4 spay and neuter campaigns per year with vets from the city of Chetumal and can always use help with donations, volunteering, and more.
Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre

Where Located: Campeche
Website: https://www.facebook.com/YumKaaxAnimalRescueCentre/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yumkaaxrescuecentre/
Contact Info: yvette@ninthwaveglobal.com
Whatsapp: (Yvette) +52 981 158 5841
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., Canada, & International
What They Do: Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre is a group of volunteers who take in animals of all kinds and give them a new lease on life. They rely on donations to keep animals sheltered, fed, and to ensure they’re given proper medical care.
Yum Kaax Animal Rescue Centre doesn’t just help dogs in Mexico either. They’re a multi-species animal rescue, rehabilitation, residential and foster home that’s doing great things in their community of Campeche, Mexico. We’re proud to have them as an AvenueDogs.com Featured Rescue and we hope you check them out for yourselves!
Do you have a dog rescue in Campeche, Mexico? If so, drop us a line below and we’ll add you to our list!
Chiapas – Mexico Dog Rescues
Chiapas has a lot going for it. While it may be a little out of the way, those that make it there all agree that it’s a magical place. You can find warm climates in places like Tuxtla, or cooler weather just an hour away in San Cristobal de las Casas. You have lots of opportunities to volunteer in Chiapas, Mexico.

Where Located: San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas
Website: http://www.cecamsclc.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/cecamsclc/
Contact Info: cecamsclc1@hotmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This nonprofit organization carries out free sterilization clinics across the town to reduce overpopulation of stray dogs and cats. They also continue the eradication of rabies and provide free vaccinations.
Corazon Animal San Francisco

Where Located: San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas
Website: https://www.facebook.com/corazonanimalsanfrancisco/about
Contact Info: +52 967 134 7075
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This animal shelter is home to 50+ dogs at any given time. They provide a safe and clean shelter, rehabilitation, and environment for dogs in need.
Have we forgotten any good dog rescues in Chiapas, Mexico? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
Chihuahua – Mexico Dog Rescues
Chihuahua (yes, like the dog) is a land-locked state that borders the US (California and Texas). It’s the largest state in the Mexican Republic and provides a high quality of life for its inhabitants thanks to climate and agricultural properties. If you’re considering a trip to Chihuahua, you might want to also think about volunteering at a local dog rescue.
Compassion Copper Canyon

Where Located: Copper Canyon, Chihuahua
Website: https://www.compassioncoppercanyon.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/CompassionCopp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/compassioncoppercanyon/
Contact Info: compassioncoppercanyon@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: The primary goal is to provide low-cost veterinary services to animals in need in Copper Canyon.
Compassion Copper Canyon LLC has helped hundreds of dogs in the Copper Canyon Region of Chihuahua, Mexico by bringing much-needed supplies to the rural area. The non-profit also helps minimize over-population by providing free spay and neuter clinics as well as veterinary care. We’re proud to have them as an AvenueDogs.com Featured Rescue!
Did we miss any great dog rescues in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico? Feel free to let us know in the comments at the bottom of this page!
Coahuila – Mexico Dog Rescues
Coahuila is a great state to visit if you’re into culinary treasures and want to connect with nature. You’ll see the true beauty of Mexico with seven designated Pueblos Mágicos (Magical Towns). While there, you’ll also have the opportunity to embed yourself into the local culture by volunteering at a pup shelter or rescue.

Where Located: Saltillo, Coahuila
Website: https://www.adacmx.com/index.html
Contact Info: adacanimalista@gmail.com
Whatsapp (Mexico): +52 844-869-2848
(USA): +1 406-304-6384
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., & Canada (Via land transport)
What They Do: ADAC stands for “Alliance for the Rights of the Animals of Coahuila”. ADAC provides shelter and all medical needs to stray animals that are most in need. They also facilitate the adoption of these rehabilitated animals into forever homes.
Alianza por los Derechos de los Animales de Coahuila AC is an AvenueDog.com Featured Rescue. This non-profit rescue has a mission to uphold compassion and respect for life. They’re also dedicated to improving man-animal relationships through social responsibility. They can always use help with volunteers and donations to support their community goals!
Have we forgotten any dog rescues in Coahuila, Mexico? Tell us in the comment section below and we’ll add them straight away!
Colima – Mexico Dog Rescues
The tiny state of Colima has a lot going for it. Colima is located on the central Pacific Coast and offers a small collection of oceanic islands that are untouched by tourism. In between surfing and relaxing with your toes in the sand, opt to find your fur-ever family member at one of the dog rescues on our Colima list.
Adoptables de Control Canino y Felino de Colima

Where Located: Villa de Alvarez, Colima
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AnimalesAdoptablesColima/
Contact Info: +52 312 316 3875
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: While Adoptables de Control Canino y Felino de Colima does not have its own official website, a community of volunteers run the above Facebook page to help adopt out the dogs and cats of Colima. This group comes together to to find perfect families for pets formerly from the street.
Never Lost Animal Rescue

Where Located: Colima, Mexico
Contact Info: neverlostanimalrescue@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/neverlostanimalrescue
Whatsapp: +52 312 119 1042
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: Never Lost Animal Rescue is a non-profit that provides sanctuary and relief to abandoned and abused dogs. They search for rescue homes for dogs that have finished rehabilitation.
Do you know any other Mexican dog rescues in Colima? Shoot us a message in the comments below!
Have a dog foster or rescue success story? We’d love to hear that too! Tell us your pup’s heartwarming tale of how you met, the challenges you faced, and of course what your furry friend is up to now! Success stories are a great way to encourage others to choose to rescue!
Durango – Mexico Dog Rescues
Durango can be found in northwestern Mexico. The sparsely populated state is mostly consumed by desert-like terrain but you can also find forests and unbeatable mountain vistas. If you’re visiting the Sierra Madre mountains, why not stop along the way to help a pup in need at the same time?
Centro de Atención Animal Durango

Where Located: Durango, Durango
Website: caan.durangocapital.gob.mx
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/CAANDurango
Contact Info: +52 618 137 8698
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Centro de Atención Animal Durango provides educational information and the tools needed to rehabilitate and adopt out unwanted street dogs. The organization rehabilitates dogs and works to find them forever homes.
Did we miss any good dog rescues in Durango, Mexico? Hop on down to the bottom of this page to let us know in the comments section.
Guanajuato – Mexico Dog Rescues
Guanajuato is a state in Mexico that’s packed with culture and historical charm. It’s centrally located and definitely worth a trip if you’re on the hunt for a colorful place to be with festivals and celebrations on a near-daily basis. While there, check out one of the dog rescues on our list!
Balam Foundation

Where Located: San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
Website: https://www.balamfoundation.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/balamfoundation
Contact: balamfoundation@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups: N/A
What They Do: The Balam Foundation is dedicated to ending animal suffering in Mexico’s most impoverished communities. By offering free sterilization to cats and dogs – as well as providing rescue, TNR, foster care, and adoption – they make a difference for the most vulnerable stray animals.
Escuchemos El Eco De Su Voz

Where Located: San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuato
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Escuchemos-el-Eco-de-su-voz-107629367856039/
Contact Info: escuchemoselecodesuvozmexico@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., & Canada
What They Do: A nonprofit organization that provides high-quality support, care, housing, and medical attention for dogs in need.
Escuchemos el Eco de Su Voz is an AvenueDogs.com Featured Rescue. This incredible foundation has helped hundreds of dogs change their lives for the better since 2020. But they need help from you! Because they’re entirely non-profit, they can always use donations (monetary or dog-related items) and volunteers that can spare time.
Mex-Can Pet Partners

Where Located: Guanajuato, Mexico & B.C., Canada
Website: http://www.mex-can.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100051459441973
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCapkW27wVkGQCY1eKBLyzeA
Contact Info: http://www.mex-can.org/contact.html
Where Do They Ship Pups? B.C., Canada
What They Do: Provide a safe and healthy environment for abandoned dogs rescued off the street of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, as well as pull dogs from the local Animal Control Center. Dogs are thoroughly vetted medically and behaviourally and transported to suitable, loving homes in British Columbia, Canada.
Refugio Animal Alfa AC

Where Located: Uriangato, Guanajuato
Website: https://www.facebook.com/refugioanimalalfaac
Contact Info: refugioanimalalfaa.c@hotmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Refugio Animal Alfa AC is a non-profit organization that helps all animals in need. They rescue animals from the street that have been abandoned and try to find forever homes for them. This includes sterilization, medical care, and adoption. Refugio Animal Alfa AC relies on donations, volunteers, and foster parents to stay afloat.
S.P.A. de San Miguel de Allende

Where Located: San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
Website: https://www.spasanmiguel.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/spasanmiguel
Contact: info@spasanmiguel.org
Where Do They Ship Pups: U.S., & Canada
What They Do: The Sociedad Protectora de Animales is a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter for cats and dogs. Their primary focus is to provide food, care, and shelter for stray and abandoned cats and dogs and find them loving homes, no matter how long it takes. Whenever they have space, they save dogs from the city’s kill shelter.
The S.P.A. has been in existence since 1980 and relies solely on donations to survive. They have an on-site clinic with a full-time veterinarian who, in addition to taking care of their resident cats and dogs, provides lower-cost care for animals belonging to the public.
Did we forget any great dog rescues in Guanajuato, Mexico? If so, we wanna know! Tell us in the comment section below.
Guerrero – Mexico Dog Rescues
Guerrero is one of the top tourist destination states in Mexico. There you can enjoy beautiful beaches, and loads of Pre-Colombian historical sites. It’s ideal for surfers and those passionate about wildlife too. When visiting Guerrero, don’t forget to check out one of the dog rescues on our list for a day of volunteering that’ll be sure to melt your heart.
Amigos de Animales

Where Located: Zihuatanejo, Guerrero
Website: www.amigosdeanimales.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/amigosdeanimalesmx
Contact Info: amigosdeanimales@outlook.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: Pick up local cats and dogs and bring them to a local vet for sterilization. Organize low cost mass spay and neuter programs. Rescue, foster, adopt, and rehabilitate abandoned animals. Help organize transportation of animals to find a loving home.
Sociedad Protectora de Animales (SPAZ-HKP)

Website: http://spazihua.org/
Where Located: Zihuatanejo, Guerrero
Contact Info: info@spazihua.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/SociedadProtectoradeAnimalesdeZihuatanejo/
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: The Sociedad Protectora de Animales is a nonprofit organization located in Zihuatanejo. They rescue, rehabilitate, and search for new homes for abandoned and sick animals in the community.
Surfers for Strays

Where Located: HQ: San Diego, California / Ground Work: Zihuatanego, Guerrero
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/SurfersforStrays/about
Contact Info: contact@surfersforstrays.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: Organizes affordable spay and neuter clinics around Mexico. Increases education and awareness on how to properly care for animals, and sends rescued dogs to U.S and Canada.
Have we missed any Mexican dog rescues in the state of Guerrero? Tell us in the comment section below!
Hidalgo – Mexico Dog Rescues
Hidalgo is regularly ranked one of the safest states in all of Mexico. It’s a smaller sized state that offers a lot of culture and pure Mexico magic. Embrace the local communities to get the most out of your visit. Adopt a dog in need or just spend the day volunteering before exploring the colorful towns found in Hidalgo.
Por Nuestros Hermanos Sin Voz A.C.

Where Located: Tulla de Allende, Hidalgo
Website: http://pornuestroshermanossinvoz.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/PornuestroshermanossinvozAC/
Contact Info: servicioalacomunidad@pornuestroshermanossinvoz.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Por Nuestros Hermanos Sin Voz A.C. is a nonprofit organization that brings the community together to help animals that have no resources. They provide a safe shelter, rehabilitation, and education tools for the community.
Did we miss any great dog rescues in the state of Hidalgo? Tell us your favorites in the comments below!
Jalisco – Mexico Dog Rescues
Jalisco is home to the tourist hub of Puerto Vallarta and is definitely a must-see when in Mexico. Here you’ll find a mixture of lush jungle, towering mountains, and ocean views to die for. If you’re looking to enrich your vacation with a little volunteer work, we’ve got you covered!
Bone Voyage Dog Rescue

Where Located: Lake Chapala, Jalisco
Website: https://bonevoyagedogrescue.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/bonevoyagedogrescue
Contact Info: volunteers@bonevoyagedogrescue.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: A volunteer-run organization that aims to rescue and rehabilitate dogs around Mexico. They provide loving foster care, vet care, and transportation services for the adoption of their rescued dogs.
Dog For Life

Where Located: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Website: http://www.dogforlife.ca/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/dog4life1/
Contact Info: dhbarsalou@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: Help rehome stray dogs in Mexico and bring them to the U.S. and Canada. They also help feed street dogs in the community and assist low-income families with food for dogs they are struggling to feed.
Lakeside Advocates for Animals

Where Located: Ajijic, Jalisco
Website: https://facebook.com/groups/LAKESIDEADVOCATESFOR
Contact Info: Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Lakeside Advocates for Animals is a support group for people of the Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico area who advocate for animals in need. The group offers information on how you can help, rescue, foster, and adopt animals in need.
Las Animas Dog Rescue

Where Located: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Website: https://lasanimasdogrescue.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/lasanimasdogrescue
Contact Info: https://lasanimasdogrescue.org/contact/
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: This dog shelter works very closely with MexPup Animal Refuge to bring the stray dogs to good homes. They also coordinate transportation for some animals to Western Canada and the U.S. with help from volunteers and donations.
Lucky Dog Rescue and Adoption Center

Where Located: Lake Chapala, Jalisco
Website: https://www.luckydoglakechapala.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/LuckyDogLakeChapala
Contact Info: LuckyDogChapala@yahoo.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: Lucky Dog Rescue and Adoption Center takes in dogs that are brought to their door from the surrounding area. They provide spay and neuters for adoptive pups, offer emergency services, provide long term recovery care, and special foods and medicines to pups in need. Lucky Dog Rescue is always in need of volunteers, adoptions, and donations of all types.
Operación de Amor

Where Located: Chapala, Jalisco
Website: https://lakechapalacharities.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/chapala.operacionamor
Contact Info: Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Operacion Amor was created in 2011, in Chapala, Mexico, as a joint effort of the Mexican and expat communities to address the enormous need for free spay/neuter surgeries for the dogs and cats of people of limited means.
In addition, Operacion Amor has a program called “Pet Taxi” where drivers pick up the animals from their homes, bring them to veterinarians for sterilization before returning them to their families. This service centers around the municipalities of Chapala, Poncitlan (Mezcala), and Ixtlahuacan.
The MexiMutt Project / Born Again Pitbull Rescue

Where Located: Guadalajara, Jalisco / Sherwood, Oregon USA
Website: https://www.bapbr.org/meximutt
Contact Info: info@bapbr.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/BAPBR/
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: The MexiMutt Project began when two volunteers made a trip to Guadalajara, Jalisco and realized how many dogs were without a home. They began expanding their efforts into Mexico and now help the Guadalajara community with donations for the stray dogs, spay and neuter clinics, and transport dogs to the U.S. for adoption.

Where Located: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/MexPup
Website: http://www.mexpup.com/
Contact Info: adoptions@mexpup.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: This is a nonprofit organization that “helps people help dogs”. The goal is to improve the quality of life for all street dogs across Puerto Vallarta through food donations, veterinary services, and finding them their fur-ever home.
The Ranch Chapala

Where Located: Lake Chapala, Jalisco
Website: https://www.theranchchapala.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/TheRanchChapala/
Contact Info: cgcothran1@yahoo.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: The Ranch focuses on rehabilitating and homing large breed dogs. They care for abandoned, injured, and forgotten pups in the community. While they do take in smaller dogs, large dogs are their primary focus.
Sandee’s Project – Rescue the Rescuer

Where Located: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sandeesproject/about
Contact Info: Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: A nonprofit organization run by two individuals. They help foster, rehabilitate, and rehome dogs in the Puerto Vallarta area. They are always looking for flight angels to help transport adopted dogs to the U.S. and Canada.
Scruffy’s Dog Oasis/Stray Dogs of Mexico Rescue and Adoption Center

Where Located: Guadalajara, Jalisco
Website: https://www.facebook.com/StrayDogsofMexicoIxtlahuacan/
Contact Info: ffowler0101@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Rescue and rehabilitate dogs to prepare them to find their forever home.
SPCA Puerto Vallarta

Where Located: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/spcapv/
Website: http://www.spcapv.com/
Contact Info: spcapv@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: SPCA Puerto Vallarta aims to help fund and promote sterilization, adoption, and healthcare efforts for animals in the area. Their goal is to limit euthanasia of healthy and adoptable animals.
The Sula Society

Where Located: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Website: http://www.thesulasociety.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/thesulasociety/
Contact Info: thesulasociety@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S. and Canada
What They Do: This is a mother-daughter duo that rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome dogs in Puerto Vallarta. They search for forever homes across Mexico, the U.S., and Canada.
Tails of Mexico

Where Located: Jocotepec, Jalisco
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TailsofMexico/
Contact Info: Via Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Tails of Mexico provides free spay/neuter clinics to pets of villagers of limited means and street dogs. They focus on empowering communities through education and have helped 1000s of Mexican street dogs to date.
Have we missed any Mexican dog rescues in the state of Jalisco? If so, tell us in the comments below!
México – Mexico Dog Rescues
Don’t let the size fool you. México is the most densely populated state in all of Mexico. Here you’ll find something for everyone. Amazing food, historically significant towns, and a diverse community of indiginous inhabitants. If you’re looking to volunteer at a dog rescue in the state of México, we’ve got you covered.
Albergue San Cristóbal

Where Located: Jilotepec de Molina Enríquez, México
Website: http://www.alberguesancristobal.mx/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/AlbergueSanCristobal
Contact Info: contacto@alberguesancristobal.org.mx
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Albergue San Cristóbal claims to currently has hundreds of dogs and puppies in need of forever home. This is a large shelter run by a significant group of volunteers. The goal is to find a happy and safe home for each street dog they take in.
Peludos Desamparados

Where Located: Tecámac, Mexico
Website: https://www.facebook.com/PeludosDesamparadosOficial/
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/peludos_desamparados/
Contact Info: adopta1amigo@outlook.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Peludos Desamparados a small shelter that gives air to dogs and cats that they’ve rescued from abuse. They rely solely on donations and support from the community to keep dogs fed and sheltered.
Did we forget any worth dog rescues in México, Mexico? If so, tell us in the comment section below.
Mexico City – Mexico Dog Rescues
The state of Mexico City is so much more than one of the biggest cities in the world – CDMX. In addition to hosting North America’s most populous city, the state offers culinary delights unlike any other. You can easily spend a lifetime within the city itself and enjoy quick day or weekend trips to the state’s many rural attractions as well.
Whether you’re spending a short amount of time in Mexico City, or plan to live there long term, you can get the most out of your visit by helping out at one of the many dog rescues found here.
Adoptando Un Corazón Canino

Where Located: Mexico City, Mexico
Website: http://www.adoptandouncorazoncanino.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/adoptandouncorazoncanino
Contact Info: adoptandouncorazoncanino@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This is an extremely active group of individuals that take in and rescue dogs from all around Mexico City. They have low-cost veterinary services, a boutique for the dogs, and a lively shelter.
Cambia Un Destino

Where Located: Mexico City, CDMX
Website: http://cambiaundestino.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/cambiaundestino
Contact Info: info@cambiaundestino.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Cambia Un Destino provides a range of education, information, and medical services to abandoned dogs while adopting them out to safe homes. They also offer support and education to independents foster dog parents on properly caring for their animals. (I dont believe they run their own foster program).
CDMX Indie Foster Network

Where Located: Mexico City, Mexico
Website: https://www.instagram.com/cdmxvintage/
Contact Info: Instagram
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada and U.S.
What They Do: A network of foster carers living in CDMX who specialize in direct rescue, fostercare, health protocol, followed by local CDMX and international adoptions.
CDMX Indie Foster Network is one of our featured organizations in Mexico. They work closely with locals to find the pur-fect home for animals in need by promoting responsible adoption practices. The foster network offers numerous resources for indie rescuers too!
The Dog-Go Project CDMX

Where Located: Mexico City, Mexico / Canada
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/thedoggoproject
Website: https://www.thedoggoproject.org/
Contact Info: info@thedoggoproject.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do:This is a non-profit organization that rescues abandoned dogs in Mexico and helps organize a flight to Canada for them to find a better life. They partner with major shelters, airlines, and other entities across Mexico and Canada to make this dream possible.
Hula Pet

Where Located: Mexico City, Mexico
Website: https://www.instagram.com/hula_pet_/
Contact Info: Instagram
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Hula Pet is run primarily through Instagram. They rescue mistreated dogs and reach out across social media to find them homes in Mexico.
Mujeres Alfareras de Tlahuac

Where Located: Tlahuac, Mexico City
Website: https://www.mujeresalfarerasdetlahuac.com/albergue.html
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/MUJERESALFARERASDETLAHUAC
Contact: mujeresalfareras_tlahuac@yahoo.com.mx
Where Do They Ship Pups: N.A.
What They Do: Mujeres Alfareras de Tlahuac believes that love concours all. This amazing group of women are dedicated to helping abandoned puppies and street dogs surrounding their workshop. They do this through rescuing, sterilization, feeding, and adoption.
Negra The Dog

Where Located: Mexico City, Mexico
Website: https://negrathedog.com
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/negra.thedog_/
Contact Info: https://negrathedog.com/como-ayudar/
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Negra the Dog relies on donations to help rescue, provide medical needs, and adopt dogs in CDMX that are most in need.
Oasis Perruno

Where Located: Mexico City, Mexico
Website: https://oasis-perruno.negocio.site/
Contact Info: +52 552 898 0557
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada and U.S.
What They Do: This is an animal refugee located in Mexico City. They take in unwanted or abandoned dogs and rehabilitate them back to health to find a happy home.
Protectora in Portales

Where Located: Mexico City (CDMX), Mexico
Website: https://pnamexico.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pnamexico
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pnamexico/
Contact Info: redessociales@pnamexico.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Protectora in Portales is a non-profit civil organization that works with the local community to provide rescue, support, rehabilitation to vulnerable dogs and cats. They have been around since 1992 and while they’ve accomplished a lot, they can always use help with volunteers, adoption, and donations.
Save A Dane

Where Located: Mexico City, Mexico
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SaveDaneMX
Contact Info: saveadanemx@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Help great danes great danes and other mostly-large dogs, including mixed breeds, in unfavorable conditions find loving homes.
Have we forgotten to add a great dog rescue to our Mexico City list? Let us know about it in the comment section below!
Have a dog foster or rescue success story? We’d love to hear that too! Tell us your pup’s heartwarming tale of how you met, the challenges you faced, and of course what your furry friend is up to now! Success stories are a great way to encourage others to choose to rescue!
Michoacán – Mexico Dog Rescues
While primarily land-locked this lovely state in Mexico does have a small coastline on the Pacific side – allowing for some really stunning sunsets. The warm climate is ideal for active people that want to spend some time soaking up the sun. If you’re in the area, stop by and volunteer at one of the dog rescues on our list – or adopt a pet of your own!

Where Located: Morelia, Michoacán
Website: http://www.adoptamorelia.negocio.site
Contact Info: +52 999 330 9765
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: A local animal shelter that aims to find loving homes for all the dogs at the shelter. The shelter rehabilitates unfortunate street dogs and then find the perfect home for them around Morelia.
Have we missed any dog rescues in the state of Michoacán, Mexico? Let us know in the comment section at the bottom of this post!
Morelos – Mexico Dog Rescues
Morelos is a land-locked state in the southern portion of Central Mexico. The climate is perfect for growing agriculture and is often dubbed “The City of Eternal Spring”. It’s a great place for active people who want to get involved within the community. If you’re in the area and would like to do some good, check out our list of rescues in Morelos.
Rocco’s Relief Foundation

Where Located: Morelos, Morelos
Website: http://www.rrfmexico.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/RoccosReliefFoundation/
Contact Info: rrfmexico@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U. S. & Canada
What They Do: A small foundation that operates solely on donations. They raise money to spay and neuter dogs in the local community. They also provide dog housing and veterinary care support to low-income pet owners.
Have a dog rescue or shelter that you think should be featured in our Morelos, Mexico section? Leave us a comment and we’ll get on it!
Nayarit – Mexico Dog Rescues
This small state offers a wide range of tourist activities from beaches to jungle experiences. You’ll be able to connect with nature in ways you never have before. Nayarit is home to numerous species of rare birds as well as abundant marine life. If you’re in the area, why not connect with some pups too? You can with one of the dog rescues on our list!
A Dog’s New Life A.C.

Where Located: Banderas Bay, Nayarit
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/ADNLdogshelter/
Website: https://www.adogsnewlife.org/
Contact Info: adogsnewlife@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada and U.S.
What They Do: The mission statement of A Dog’s New Life A.C. is to rescue, abandoned, sick, and injured animals in the community. They provide food, shelter, and vet care to those animals in need. They aim to find a loving home for each abandoned or abused animal they encounter after rehabilitation.
The Hilltop Refugio

Where Located: La Peñita, Nayarit
Website: https://www.facebook.com/J.E.E.P.TheHilltopRefugio/
Contact Info: jeeprefugio@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: The Hilltop Refugio rehabilitates abandoned, sick, and poorly treated dogs throughout the area. They also educate the community to encourage the proper care of animals among local families.
San Pancho Animales

Where Located: San Francisco, Nayarit
Website: https://sanpanchoanimales.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/sanpanchoanimales
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sanpanchoanimales/
Contact Info: sanpanchoanimales@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada, U.S., & Europe
What They Do: San Pancho Animales is a well-known animal adoption rescue in Nayarit. They’ve been around since the 90s and became a 501 c 3 in 2005. They regularly put on spay/neuter clinics for the area and have sterilized over 2,000 animals during that time.
Sayulit Animals

Where Located: Sayulita, Nayarit
Website: https://sayulitanimals.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/SayulitAnimals-177893972245435
Contact Info: contact@sayulitanimals.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This nonprofit organization was founded as a result of the growing number of sick and neglected cats and dogs in the area. The goal is to provide affordable care, knowledge to the community, and adoption assistance to address the animal overpopulation problem.
Wet Noses Rescue

Where Located: Punta de Mita, Nayarit
Website: https://wetnosesrescue.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/wetnosesrescue/
Contact Info: info@wetnosesrescue.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada and U.S.
What They Do: This nonprofit organization rehabilitates, rehomes, and provides TLC to as many animals as funding allows. They also run outreach programs in the community to educate the community, provide sterilization to reduce the stray animal population, and encourage widespread vaccinations.
Do you have a dog rescue or shelter in Nayarit, Mexico? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a comment below!
Nuevo León – Mexico Dog Rescues
Located in the northeastern portion of Mexico, Nuevo León borders the state of Texas. If you’re looking to enjoy some volunteering opportunities while visiting the state, we have a few different options for you!
Fiona Animal Refuge of Hidalgo

Where Located: Hidalgo, Nuevo León
Website: potreropups.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/potreropups.org
Contact Info: dotworld777@hotmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This animal shelter is equipped with full kennels, surgery, and veterinary needs to provide for rescue dogs in the area. The goal is to provide a safe haven for these dogs while waiting for a forever home. They also provide educational resources to inform the community of animal needs.
PRODAN Prodefensa Animal A.C.

Where Located: San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo León
Website: http://www.prodan.org.mx/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/ProdanAC
Contact Info: informes@prodan.org.mx
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: PRODAN Profensa Animal A.C. is run by a chain of volunteers that take care of street dogs and cats. They rehabilitate unwanted or unloved animals from the street and help them find a loving family.
Have a dog rescue or shelter in the state of Nuevo León, Mexico? Leave a comment below and we’ll gladly add you to the list!
Oaxaca – Mexico Dog Rescues
Oaxaca is one of our favorite states in Mexico. You can find just about anything you’re looking for from super-chill mountain towns in the middle of a cloud forest to warm, sunny beaches. And while the food is some of the best in the country, Oaxaca is more than just a culinary mecca.
There are quite a few Mexican dog rescues in the state of Oaxaca. If you’re in the area, we recommend the following shelters for volunteering, fostering, and adopting your next forever friend.
Dogs of Puerto Angel

Where Located: Puerto Angel, Oaxaca
Website: http://www.dogsofpuertoangel.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/dogsofpuertoangel/
Contact Info: claudia@dogsofpuertoangel.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Dogs of Puerto Angel is run by a university professor who rescues, spays, and rehabilitates dogs and cats during her spare time. The goal is to provide free sterilizations and education for the community.
Friends Of Megan Animal Rescue

Where Located: Oaxaca, Oaxaca
Website: http://fomanimalrescue.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/friendsofmegan
Contact Info: rebecca@meganhouse.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Friends Of Megan Animal Rescue is located in Oaxaca. They focus on rescuing abandoned and abused dogs, providing information to the community on proper pet care, and rehoming their rescues.
Fundación Chapulín

Where Located: Arroyo Cross La Boquilla, Mexico
Website: http://fundacionchapulin.wixsite.com/help-dogs-and-cats
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/fundacionchapulin/
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Located on the Pacific Coast of Oaxaca between the towns of Puerto Angel and Pochutla, Fundación Chapulín works to help rehabilitate local dogs and cats in need. They offer preventive medicine, prevention vaccines, deworming, free sterilization, or treatment for disease.
Perros en Puerto

Where Located: Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca
Website: http://www.perrosenpuerto.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/perrosenpuerto
Contact Info: info@perrosenpuerto.org
WhatsApp: (Annette) +52 954 101 2063
Where Do They Ship Pups? European countries and Canada
What They Do: Help, rescue, provide safe havens and care for dogs in need in Puerto Escondido. Perros en Puerto also aims to provide education to the community and fill the town with compassion for these animals in need.
Perros en Puerto is an AvenueDogs.com Featured Rescue. PEP has a lofty mission of providing shelter, sanctuary, medical help, food and loving care to homeless, starving, sick, injured and abused dogs. The non-profit also aim to find responsible, loving homes for the shelter dogs through our adoption program. PEP is always in need of monetary support, volunteers, foster parents, and flight angels.
Snipsisters Foundation

Where Located: Puerto Escandido, Oaxaca
Website: https://www.snipsisters.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/SnipSisters-428720773821212/
Contact Info: heidi@snipsisters.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Provide free spay and neuter clinics along the coastline of Oaxaca (including Puerto Escondido and Huatulco, Mexico). These clinics tackle the overpopulation problem of dogs and cats.
Snipsisters Foundation is one of our featured organizations helping pups enjoy a new lease on life. Heidi and her crew are doing some pretty amazing things that are definitely worth checking out if you’re in the coastal Oaxaca area. Learn more about this street-dog-saving org in our full write-up on Snipsisters Foundation to see how you can help too!
Are there any dog rescues in Oaxaca, Mexico that we missed? Feel free to comment with your favorites below!
Puebla – Mexico Dog Rescues
Puebla is a lovely state that offers up a plethora of beautiful vistas, water activities, and jungle adventures. If you’re there on a visit, check out one of the many dog rescues in the area as well. You can opt to spend the day giving pups cuddles and much-needed attention, or take one home for yourself!
Clínica del Perro Callejero

Where Located: Puebla, Puebla
Website: https://www.facebook.com/clinicadelperrocallejero
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/clinicadelperrocallejero
Contact Info: +52 (222) 464 5296
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Animals rescued from severe and very sad cases of animal cruelty. They are nursed back to health and Clínica del Perro Callejero seeks loving, stable, responsible Forever Homes for them, under very strict protocol, for their safety and well-being.
The Dog-Go Project

Where Located: Puebla, Puebla
Website: http://www.thedoggoproject.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/thedoggoproject
Contact Info: info@thedoggoproject.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: Help arrange transportation from Puebla, Mexico to Canada for dogs to find their perfect, forever homes. They are always looking for people who are traveling between Canada and Mexico to help with transportation of pets. They help local dogs in the community and provide resources.
Fundación Adogta Mexico

Where Located: Puebla, Puebla
Website: https://www.adogtafoundation.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/FundacionAdogtaMexico
Contact Info: lori.franze@me.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: A dog rescue in Puebla that aims to take dogs off the street and find loving homes for them in Mexico and Canada. They also raise funds to feed, spay, and neuter the local street dog population.
Fundación San Chárbel – Pro Canis A.C.

Where Located: Puebla, Puebla
Website: https://www.fundacionsancharbel.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/sancharbelprocanis
Contact Info: contacto@fundacionsancharbel.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This is a nonprofit organization that uses local donations to find adopters, and foster homes for animals in need in Puebla.
Fryda Puebla

Where Located: Puebla, Puebla
Website: http://www.fryda.org.mx/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/frydapuebla
Contact Info: info@fryda.org.mx
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Provide education and services needed to help bring stray dogs to stable homes in the community. They also provide easily-accessible sterilization to animals and communities in need.

Where Located: Puebla, Mexico
Website: https://www.facebook.com/MexiPerro
Contact Info: mexiperro@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: MEXIPERRO is a group that aims to help the numerous street dogs in Puebla. They offer adoption services to Canadians seeking to rehome Mexican pups in need. While MEXIPERRO does fantastic work, they don’t have the resources to save every street dog.
MEXIPERRO is regularly in need of donations (monetary and/or supplies), flight angels to Canada, and of course, fur-ever parents!
Roadside Dogs MX

Where Located: Puebla
Website: https://www.facebook.com/roadsidedogsmx/
Social Media: instagram.com/roadsidedogsmx
Contact Info: roadsidedogsmx@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Roadside Dogs Mexico helps combat the dog overpopulation problem throughout the Puebla countryside. They offer spay/neurter clinics as well as providing parasite prevention to street dogs. Homeless dogs are much happier and healthier too thanks to the groups generous snacks.
Did we miss any dog rescues in the state of Puebla, Mexico? Give us a shout in the comment section below and let us know!
Querétaro – Mexico Dog Rescues
While Querétaro may be one of the smallest states in Mexico, there are tons of opportunities for those looking to volunteer at a dog shelter or on the hunt for their new furry friend. If you’re in the area, be sure to check out one of the dog rescues on our Querétaro list.
Fundación DAR

Where Located: Tequisquiapan, Querétaro
Website: https://www.fundaciondar.org.mx/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/fundaciondartequis/
Contact Info: info@fundaciondar.org.mx
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., and Canada
What They Do: Fundación DAR is a non-profit organization that promotes responsible pet ownership as well as raising awareness about the importance of sterilization as a prevention and control measure.
Fundación DAR urgently needs flight angels to Toronto, New York, and Seattle.
Guardianes de TX

Where Located: Tequisquiapan, Querétaro
Website: https://www.facebook.com/guardianesdetequis/
Contact Info: guardianesdetx@outlook.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Tequisquiapan helps turn street dogs into community dogs. They do this through sterilization, community education, and providing adoption services.
Helping Street Dogs in Mexico

Where Located: Tequisquiapan, Querétaro
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/helpingstreetdogsinmexico/
Contact Info: Facebook or WhatsApp
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., and Canada
What They Do: Run by a Canadian couple, this organization has helped rehome hundreds of dogs since 2015. Using their own funding and donations, this rescue helps dogs with vet care, vaccines, training, sterilization, and rehoming. You can help donate through their refuge (Fundacion DAR) via Paypal.
Helping Street Dogs in Mexico is one of our featured rescues. They go above and beyond to rehabilitate and rehome as many dogs as they can. Unadoptable dogs that have medical issues, behavioral problems, or are simply too old for adoption are kept by the couple for life. Learn more about this fantastic shelter, and how you can help.
Huellitas Seguras

Where Located: Santa Rosa Jauregui, Querétaro
Website: https://huellitasseguras.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/huellitaseguras/
Contact Info: +52 442 376 0199
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This shelter primarily focuses on the rescue of dogs that suffer from neglectful ownership. Huellitas Seguras provides shelter and rehabilitation to these dogs.
Medias Naranjas

Where Located: Querétaro, Querétaro
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Medias.Naranjas.Qro/
Contact Info: medias.naranjas.qro@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: The name “Medias Naranjas” comes from the idea of bringing two orange halves together to create a whole. The primary goal of this foster system is to find loving homes for the dogs and cats in the system. They also create awareness about sterilization, adoption, and responsible ownership.
NÄSCAA Sanctuario

Where Located: Querétaro, Querétaro
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/nascaa_qro/
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Nascaaqro/
Contact Info:
Adoptions: +52 442 824 0788
Clinic: +52 442 270 3402
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: NÄSCAA Santuario acts as a “Voice for Animals” in the state of Querétaro, Mexico. They’re a private animal welfare organization that helps facilitate pet adoptions and low-cost animal veterinary services. You can foster, adopt, donate your time or money to this wonderful rescue.
Patitas Mojadas a.c.

Where Located: La Esperanza, Colón
Website: https://www.facebook.com/alberguetemporal/
Contact Info: Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Patitas Mojadas a.c. is dedicated to rescuing and helping animals in street or abuse situations, as well as finding homes for them where they can give them love and the care they need.
Do you have a lead (pun intended) on a dog rescue in the state of Querétaro? Drop us a comment below!
Quintana Roo (Q.R.) – Mexico Dog Rescues
Quintana Roo offers some of the best beaches for relaxing in all of Mexico. The state is home to many attractions making it a hub for tourism. Between Playa del Carmen, Cancun, and coastal islands, you can’t go wrong with a trip to Q.R., Mexico.
While there, check out a few dog rescues that are doing great things in the state. You can volunteer to walk dogs as part of your vacation, or adopt a pet to take home!
Accion Animal

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: http://accionanimalmexico.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/AccionAnimalRM/
Contact Info: accionanimal.vet@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Educate the community and provide loving assistance to domesticated dogs that are living in abusive situations. This nonprofit organization has been around for about ten years and consistently aims to improve the community through care towards the dogs that need it the most.
Beach Dog Rescue of Costa Maya

Where Located: Mahahual and Costa Maya, Quintana Roo
Website: http://beachdogrescue.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/costamayabeachdogrescue
Contact Info: beachdogrescue@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Through donations, Beach Dog Rescue of Costa Maya rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes stray dogs in the area. When possible, the rescue helps in the state of Yucatan as well. While this fantastic organization does a lot of good, they can always use help with volunteers, donations, and adoption.
Border Tails Rescue

Where Located: Northbrook, Illinois, USA / Cancun, Quintana Roo
Website: https://www.bordertailsrescue.org/
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S.
What They Do: Border Tails Rescue is located in the Chicago-area of the U.S. They rescue dogs from Cancun and surrounding area and transport to the United States for them to find their happy, forever homes.
Coco’s Animal Welfare

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: http://www.cocosanimalwelfare.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/CocosAnimalWelfare/
Contact Info: info@cocosanimalwelfare.org
+52 984 120 0572
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: The primary goal of Coco’s Animal Welfare is to educate the community and reduce the stray animal population through sterilization and community support. They also shelter cats and dogs and adopt them out to the community.
Help Tulum Dogs

Where Located: Tulum, Quintana Roo
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/helptulumdogs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helptulumdogs/
Contact Info: Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Though this is not a shelter, they have a shared goal to find homes for the street dogs in Tulum, Mexico. Help Tulum Dogs provides outreach to small, Mayan communities where the need is greatest, and rescue/rehab/rehome those with no hope.
Help Tulum Dogs Foundation a 501c3 registered organization with a focus on sterilization and community outreach. They are a small grass-roots group that operates solely on donations and volunteer actions, along with veterinary assistance from Playa Pet Tulum, La Clinica Veterinaria, and Alma Animal Clinic (and other local vets as needed).
Isla Animals

Where Located: Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo
Website: islaanimals.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/IslaAnimals/
Contact Info: info@islaanimals.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This is an animal shelter that provides aid and loving homes to animals on the island in need. They also promote and host spay and neuter clinics across the island of Isla Mujeres.
Kan — Cozumel

Where Located: Cozumel, Quintana Roo
Website: http://www.kancozumel.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/Kan-Cozumel-101292701648755
Contact Info: kancozumel@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada and U.S.
What They Do: Kan — Cozumel is a nonprofit organization that takes in abandoned and sick dogs on the island of Cozumel. They offer spay and neuter clinics to help prevent overpopulation on the island, as well. They are always looking for sponsors that can help them send the pups up north.
Kan — Cozumel is an Avenue Dogs Featured Rescue. They’re always in need of volunteers for events big and small. Learn more about some of the great things they’re doing for the pups in and around Cozumel and how you can help too!
Mi Amigo de la Calle

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: http://miamigodelacalle.com/dona/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/miamigodelacalle/
Contact Info: miamigodelacalle@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., Canada, and Europe
What They Do: Mi Amigo de la Calle is a team of individuals that work together to improve the quality of life of dogs and cats in the area. They help puppies and other animals find their home. They also provide medical services, such as vaccinations and deworming treatments, to rescued animals. Additionally, they also rehabilitate and relocate some species of wildlife such as opossums, raccoons, snakes among others.
Mi Amigo de la Calle is an Avenue Dogs featured rescue. They are recommended by numerous other rescues and dog-friendly organizations in the area. If you’re looking to volunteer your time or money, this is a good place to do so. They’re always looking for foster parents, gently-used doggie items, flight angels, and of course, forever adoptions.
Refugio Animal Holbox

Where Located: Holbox, Quintana Roo
Website: https://www.refugioanimalholbox.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/RefugioAnimalHolbox/
Contact Info: refugioanimalholbox@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Refugio Animal Holbox takes in dogs on the island without a loving home or security. They rehabilitate and care for each dog while searching for potential families for them.
Renacer Contigo

Where Located: Cancun, Quintana Roo
Website: http://renacercontigo.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/renacercontigo.org/
Contact Info: renacercontigocancun@hotmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Renacer Contigo operates in the busy streets of Cancun. They provide sterilization, rehabilitation, and temporary homes to the street dogs that are in need of it most. They educate the community, adopt out the ready-to-home pups, and provide additional services through donations.
Re/Vida Rescue

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: https://www.revida-rescue.org/
Contact Info: info@revidarescue.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: Rescue dogs in unfavorable conditions in Playa Del Carmen, provide rehabilitation, and find loving homes for them.
Riviera Rescue AC

Where Located: Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo
Website: http://www.rivierarescueac.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/rivierarescue/
Contact Info: rivierarescue@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Riviera Rescue AC takes in abandoned, injured, and sick animals in extreme conditions. They provide rehabilitation and a temporary home while finding the animal their forever home.
Santuario Kuxtal A. C.

Where Located: Cancun, Quintana Roo
Website: https://www.facebook.com/kuxtalcancun
Social Media: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDSGekEZ9FMbl4WI4n7yTTw
Contact Info: contacto@santuariokuxtal.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Santuario Kuxtal A. C. a civil, non-profit organization engaged in animal protection and welfare, creating awareness in the new generations.
SOS El Arca Animal Rescue

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: https://www.facebook.com/soselarca
Contact Info: info.soselarca@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: An animal shelter in Playa Del Carmen that aims to provide safe, clean, and happy homes for the street dogs in the community.
The Snoopi Project- Riviera Maya

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: http://mas.info/TheSnoopiProject
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/snoopiproject
Contact Info: Facebook
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: Though not an animal rescue (aside from extreme cases), The Snoopi Project aims to provide affordable shelter for dogs exposed to the elements. In extreme cases, they provide emergency medical needs as well. In addition, dog houses are free to local people through low-cost donations.
The Snoopi Project also participates in monthly massive free sterilization campaigns. They also cover vet cost for local people who love their animal but otherwise can’t afford it!
Playa Animal Rescue

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: playaanimalrescue.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/PlayaAnimalRescue
Contact Info: https://playaanimalrescue.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Playa Animal Rescue focuses on the extremely vulnerable or ill dogs in Playa Del Carmen. The goal is to bring those dogs to good health and find them stable homes.
Voluntarios Perrunos Playa/K9 Life Savers

Where Located: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Website: http://K9lifesavers.org.mx/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/VoluntariosPerrunosPlaya/
Contact Info: https://k9lifesavers.org.mx/contacts/
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This is a network of local community members that come together to walk the sheltered dogs in CEBIAM animal sanctuary (the Municipal Dog Pound). This helps them prepare for adoption and become more trusting of humans in general. They also help these dogs find their forever homes.
Did we miss any Mexican dog rescues in the state of Quintana Roo? Give us a shout in the comment section!
Have a dog foster or rescue success story? We’d love to hear that too! Tell us your pup’s heartwarming tale of how you met, the challenges you faced, and of course what your furry friend is up to now! Success stories are a great way to encourage others to choose to rescue!
San Luis Potosí – Mexico Dog Rescues
San Luis Potosí boasts a lovely climate with mild temperatures year round. It’s a great place to visit if you’d like to hit the reset button surrounded by lush greenery. If you’re looking to volunteer or even rescue a pup of your own in this centralized state, you can do so with one of the shelters on our list!
Estancia Santa Martha para el Perro Abandonado

Where Located: San Pedro, San Luis Potosí
Website: https://elperroabandonado.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/ElPerroAbandonado/
Contact Info: contacto@elperroabandonado.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This is a nonprofit organization that focuses on dog and cat sterilization, community education, and responsible rescue across the community for dogs and cats in need.
Have a dog rescue in San Luis Potosí, Mexico that we missed? Let us know in the comment section below!
Sinaloa – Mexico Dog Rescues
Sinaloa is a breathtaking state in Mexico with a long coastline on the Sea of Cortez. You can enjoy warm weather and catch a sunset with your toes in the sand. But if you’re looking to break up your day, you can volunteer your time at one of the local dog rescues on our list.
Amigos de los Animales Humane Society

Where Located: Mazatlan, Sinaloa
Website: http://amigosdelosanimalesmzt.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/AmigosDeLosAnimalesMazatlan
Contact Info: +52 669 986 4235
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Rescue lost and abandoned street dogs in Mazatlan, Mexico. They also provide food and medical care to the animals while seeking their forever homes.
Mazatlan Animal Rescue

Where Located: Mazatlan, Sinaloa
Website: mazatlananimalrescue.com
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/mazatlananimalrescues
Contact Info: Mazatlananimalrescue@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: They rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome abandoned animals in Mazatlan.
Have a recommendation for dog rescues in Sinaloa, Mexico? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll add it as soon as possible!
Sonora – Mexico Dog Rescues
Sonora is a large Mexican state that has a lot to offer. It borders the United States (Arizona and New Mexico) while also having a large coastline along the Sea of Cortez. Donating your time during a vacation here can be a really rewarding experience for individuals or the entire family.
Barb’s Dog Rescue

Where Located: Puerto Penasco, Sonora
Website: https://www.barbsdogrescue.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/BarbsDogRescue
Contact Info: barbsdogrescue@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: At any given time, more than 350 dogs call Barb’s Dog Rescue “home”. This shelter provides medical needs, attention, and care to the dogs most in need. They rehome the rescued pups and provide educational resources to the community.
Did we miss any dog rescues in the Mexican state of Sonora? Drop us a line in the comment section below!
Tabasco – Mexico Dog Rescues
Located on the northern Gulf coastline, Tabasco offers up some stunning beaches and killer seafood. Anyone interested in volunteering in the area can do so at one of the shelters on our list. Who knows – you may just find your forever fur-baby too!
Animalito’s House – Casa Hogar Animal

Where Located: Villahermosa, Tabasco
Website: https://animalitos-house-casa-hogar-animal.negocio.site
Contact Info: animalitoshouse@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Animalito’s House is a volunteer-run animal shelter in the busy city of Villahermosa. The goal is to find loving homes for street animals most in need, provide education to the community, and rescue as many little lives as possible.
Have another dog rescue to add in Tabasco, Mexico? Comment below and we’ll add them as soon as we can!
Tamaulipas – Mexico Dog Rescues
Tamaulipas is located in the northeastern part of Mexico and boasts a lovely climate. It’s also a great place to volunteer should you find yourself in the area. Local shelters work hard to rescue dogs in need while also providing much-needed vaccinations.
La Casa del Michi

Where Located: Tampico, Tamaulipas
Website: https://www.facebook.com/LaCasaDelMichi
Contact Info: +52 833 183 9384
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: La Casa del Michi follows the tagline “Adopt Don’t Shop”. This nonprofit organization aims to provide loving homes to the dogs and cats around the Tampico area.
Know of any other dog rescues in Tamaulipas, Mexico? Let us know in the comment section below!
Tlaxcala – Mexico Dog Rescues
This small state is located just east of Mexico City. If you find yourself in the area and have a hankering to do some good in the local community, these are the dog rescues we recommend in Tlaxcala.
SOS Patitas a bordo- Tlaxcala

Where Located: Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl, Tlaxcala
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SOSpatitasabordoTl/
Contact Info: sos.patitasabordo.tlax@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: SOS Patitas a bordo has a large network of members that are constantly searching for new forever homes for abandoned or mistreated dogs. They provide shelter, rehabilitation, and education to the community while doing so.
Did we forget any dog rescues in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico? Drop us a comment and we’ll add it to our ever-growing list!
Veracruz – Mexico Dog Rescues
This warm, tropical state on the Gulf coast really has it all. You can find sprawling mountains and sandy beaches only a few hours away. If you find yourself in Veracruz, Mexico and want to volunteer, foster, or adopt, here are the rescues we recommend.
Flying Dogs Canada

Where Located: Catemaco, Veracruz
Website: https://flyingdogscanada.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/flyingdogscanada
Contact Info: flyingdogs31@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: A nonprofit located in Canada that provides field clinics in Catemaco, Veracruz. Their goal is to provide spay and neuter clinics in both Canada and Mexico and find loving Canadian homes.
Did we miss any dog rescues in the state of Veracruz? Let us know in the comments below!
Yucatán – Mexico Dog Rescues
We love the Yucatán. It’s full of great people, great food, and equally great pups. If you find yourself in the area, we recommend checking out some of our favorite Mexico dog rescues in the state.

Where Located: Mérida, Yucatán
Website: https://www.afadac.org/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/AFADAC/
Contact Info: afadmerida@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: AFAD mission is to promote a culture of respect for the animals for the benefit of the community. They educate family and children on how to properly care for their animals. They provide affordable sterilization clinics and medical access for the animals. And they adopt out rescued furry friends.
A New Leash

Where Located: Progreso, Yucatan
Website: https://www.facebook.com/ANewLeashYucatan/
Contact Info: anewleashyucatan@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: A New Leash Yucatan works closely with local charities and shelters to provide the best possible care for the street pups in the area. They educate the community while proving valuable resources to the area.
Want to learn more about A New Leash? Read our full bio on this Yucatán-based organization to see how you can volunteer, donate, and get involved.
APACCC Valladolid

Where Located: Valladolid, Yucatán
Website: https://www.facebook.com/APACCCValladolid-1467079180201906/
Contact Info: daniellemichon183@hotmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? Canada
What They Do: APACCCValladolid is another non-profit organization that rescues, habilitates, and rehomes street dogs found in or around Valladolid. They also provide medical support and assistance to families that may need help caring for their loved pets.
El Hogar De Gaby

Where Located: Mérida, Yucatán
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AdopcionesElHogarDeGaby
Contact Info: elhogardegaby2020@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: El Hogar De Haby provides a safe home for abandoned, sick, or injured animals throughout the Yucatán. The animal rescue also aims to raise awareness by the power of social media and find loving homes for their recovered animals.
Evolución Animal A.C.

Where Located: Mérida, Yucatán
Website: http://evolucionanimal.org/en/
Facebook: (English) https://www.facebook.com/Evoluci%C3%B3n-AC-English-240466466022100/
Facebook: (Spanish) https://www.facebook.com/EvolucionAnimalAC
Contact Info: http://evolucionanimal.org/en/contact-us-2/
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Evolución Animal A.C. is an AvenueDog.com Featured Rescue. This non-profit animal shelter exists for the abused and abandoned animals found in the community. They rehabilitate these animals and work to educate the community to create a stronger bond between people, animals, and the environment.
Evolucion Animal runs a program with a number of shelters and private rescue organizations in Southern Ontario, Canada under which it transfers between 40-80 dogs (who have little to no chance of adoption in Mexico) a year to these organizations who then adopt them out into loving, responsible Canadian homes. This program relies 100% on private donations for its success.
Gerrie’s Animal Rescue

Where Located: Outside of Progreso, Yucatán (Chicxulub)
Website: https://gerriesanimalrescue.org/
Contact Info: Diane@GerriesAnimalRescue.org
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: Gerrie’s Animal Rescue takes in all types of abandoned animals, from cats to dogs to even goats and chickens. They aim to rehabilitate these sick animals and adopt them out.
No Mas Perritos

Where Located: Chelem/Chuburna, Yucatán
Website: https://www.facebook.com/NoMasPeritosCommunitySpayAndNeuterProgram/
Contact Info: nomasperritos@yahoo.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: This organization catches, spays, and releases stray dogs found on or near the beach. They tag each dog that has had medical attention with a green collar and tattoo. Additionally, No Mas Perritos does try to home dogs and puppies and, if possible, they will try to send them north.
Tracy Ginger’s Dog Rescue and Sanctuary

Where Located: Progreso, Yucatán
Website: https://www.facebook.com/tracysanimalrescue/
Contact Info: Tracylacouture@gmail.com
Where Do They Ship Pups? U.S., Canada, and parts of Mexico
What They Do: Foster and provide a safe haven for weak, sick, or unfortunate dogs. They also help adopt out and rehome rescue dogs.
Ginger’s Jungle Rescue is an entirely nonprofit organization that works tirelessly to help provide a safe haven for voiceless and abandoned dogs in Mexico. We proudly support them as an AvenueDogs.com Featured Rescue. From spay/neuter clinics to providing medical care, shelter, and LOVE to dogs in need, this rescue truly is something extra special.
Did we miss any dog rescues in the Mexican Yucatán? Let us know in the comments below!
Zacatecas – Mexico Dog Rescues
If you ever find yourself in Central Mexico, in the state of Zacatecas, you might consider helping out at one of these rescues. Donate your time or money – or adopt a dog of your own!
Did we miss any dog rescues in the state of Zacatecas? Comment below and let us know. Our list is ever-growing but we need your help!
Albergue Resktanimal Zacatecas

Where Located: Guadalupe, Zacatecas
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AlbergueResktanimal/
Contact Info: resktanimal@hotmail.com
Whatsapp: +52 492 250 5678
Where Do They Ship Pups? N/A
What They Do: While this shelter does not accept injured animals with open wounds, it does provide shelter, food, and love for all other dogs in need.
Have Other Mexico Dog Rescues to Add? Let Us Know!
We need your help! While we’ve done the initial footwork to find some really great dog rescues in Mexico, we only include shelters that really work to give pups a new lease on life.
We feature local dog rescues in Mexico that are in need of;
- Volunteers
- Donations
- Foster Parents
- Flight Angels
- & Adoption Services
If you have a dog rescue (or know of one) in any state in Mexico, drop a comment below!
Have a dog foster or rescue success story? We’d love to hear that too! Tell us your pup’s heartwarming tale of how you met, the challenges you faced, and of course what your furry friend is up to now! Success stories are a great way to encourage others to choose to rescue!

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Natasha Moore is a professional SEO content writer and owner of Word Brokers, LLC. She enjoys traveling, hanging out with pups of all sorts, and reading the biggest books she can find. She’s also a full-time digital nomad, and you can find her writing content from the beach in Mexico, a corner coffee shop in Colombia, or lounging by the lake in Guatemala.
Laura Marriott
Great start…. Some other rescues in Yucatán/ Merida:
Gerri’s Animal Rescue
El Hogar de Gaby
APACCC Valladolid
Natasha Moore
Hey thanks Laura! I appreciate it. I’ll add them right away!
And this one…. https://dogsofpuertoangel.org/
Natasha Moore
Great! Thanks you. Keep ’em coming! I’ll get on these asap. 🙂
Natasha Moore
Hi Laura! If you have any more info on Gerri’s Animal Rescue that would be great. I can’t seem to find them online.
Gerri’s shut down their Facebook as the rescue was over full. Let me find other contact info they want to use. Thank you.
Natasha Moore
Got it! Thanks a ton. 🙂
Laura De la Fuente Alcalá
Hola! Can you add Kan – Cozumel to the list?
This is the facebook page.
Website: http://www.kancozumel.com
We are based in Cozumel Island and have sent around 15 dogs to Vancouver during the last 2 years. Looking for new partners to send Cozumel pups as no other ngo in the island is doing it on a regular basis 🙁
Despite the huge efforts of spay and neuter in the island, we still have a lot of roaming dogs and dogs that need to be taken out of the streets.
Our adoptions are the lowest they have been ever and we have some cute pups that could have a great chance finding their match family abroad.
Any help appreciated, you can contact us to kancozumel@gmail.com or through our facebook.
Hugs and blessings, thank you so much for this amaaaaaazing mexican rescue compilation <3
Natasha Moore
Hi! Absolutely. Thanks, Laura! I’ll add it to the ever-growing list and reach out to you via email to discuss being a featured org!
Baja CA, TJ/Rosarito area: The Cantu Foundation is a foster-based rescue that has a sanctuary in Rosarito. They do amazing work! thecantufoundation.org
Natasha Moore
Hi Ella. Thank you for the info. We’ll add them to our list for sure. It’s an ever-growing list of rescues so we’re adding new ones all the time. 🙂
Megan Gabel
Please add for Guanajuato the Sociedad Protectora de Animales de San Miguel de Allende, A.C. Website is: https://www.spasanmiguel.org/ Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/spasanmiguel
The S.P.A. is a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter for cats and dogs. Our primary focus is to provide food, care, and shelter for stray and abandoned cats and dogs and find them loving homes, no matter how long it takes. Whenever we have space, we save dogs from the city’s kill shelter.
The S.P.A. has been in existence since 1980 and relies solely on donations to survive. We have an on-site clinic with a full-time veterinarian who, in addition to taking care of our cats and dogs, provides lower-cost care for animals belonging to the public.
We have worked with others to place our dogs in homes in Canada and the States whenever possible. Our adoptions in San Miguel are the slowest they have ever been.
Natasha Moore
Hi Megan! Thanks for the info. I’ll add you to the master list right away. I’ve also sent you an email about potentially being a “featured rescue” (at no cost to you, of course!). Have a great day. 😀
Hi! Could you please add Friends or Puerto Vallarta Animals to your list? http://www.friendsofpvanimals.com
Natasha Moore
Absolutely. We’ll put them on the list tomorrow. Also, we’re big fans of Vallarta. 😀 Thanks for your contribution Kim.
Natasha Moore
Sure! Will do. Thank you!
Karen razza
Hi in Nayarit there is SANPANCHOANIMALES.org
We have been around since the 90’s and became a 501 c 3 in 2005. We put on soy neuter clinics and have sterilized over 2000 animals. We also do adoptions of 200 animals a year. We are on Facebook and Instagram. Please include us.
Natasha Moore
Hi Karen! Thanks for reaching out. Yes, I’ll add you over the weekend. Have a great day!
This is my first time here and i’m genuinely impressed.